Friday, July 24, 2009


So for the last 6 months I have literally worked my ass off. That isn't a complaint, it's just a matter of fact. As those of you who know me know, I had a rough end to last year and a rough beginning to this year. I went through some low lows, probably some of the lowest places I have every experienced. I can honestly tell you that in those moments, I somehow found peace, ironic and a tad odd, yes. I knew that those couple of months were not a part of who I wanted to be, but rather a bump in the road on who I was trying to become. For most of you who know what I want out of life, you know that all I want is to make a difference. I want to be a cop. It is all I can really ever remember wanting out of a career. Ok fine, when I was younger I thought I was going to be the next Mia Hamm, but a reality check set in when I left the region that I was from and realized that I wasn't as much of a bad ass as I thought I was... that's neither here nor there.

Fast forward to July... I am dying to get the F out of dodge (also known as Chicago, the greatest city in the world :P). All I want to do is lay by a pool or beach and let all the bad tipping, groping, annoying bastards be the furthest thing from my mind. All I want to do is see a place that if I will admit have had a bias against for most of my young adult life. All I want to do is be with my friends.

So what happens when you bring together 7 people with a common interest (and common hate for someTHING that shall not be named)?

An ab working, tear jerking, flowing mess of what... laughter!

Can I just tell you how hilarious my friends are? A fucking riot! So I will describe my friends one by one to show their own unique way of making me die of the best medicine... The witty one, the giddy one, the sarcastic one, the gullible one (aka the one not good in a crises), the dry one, and the silent but shockingly deadly one. Each of which shocked me at some point during this oh so needed vacation.

Have you ever seen a 4 and a half month pregnant girl rap the filthiest rap song with lyrics such as "Put it in my mouth" while drinking milk out of a happy meal milk jug? Or repeatedly making comments about leaving certain things behind in peoples houses for bragging rights? Singing Tom Jones' epic classic Sexbomb on the 101 while an insane man on a crotch rocket does 2 terrifying wheelies with spikes coming out of his helmet... pondering if the perks of those spikes are that if your head gets ran over by a 8 wheeler, hey maybe you pop a tire at least??? Statements like can someone hand me a towel so I can wipe the shit off of her nose. Possibly/maybe being incredibly rude to LLC by accident on purpose. Hearing someone tell us that we truly are Megan fans while one of us adamantly denies that its all her money. The highlight of hearing Megan drop the word fuck ever so perfectly thereon occasion (idk... I just love it). Mistaking the words Wake up and Makeup on the picture Megan signed and maybe uttering the words fuck you to her.... (in the mostly loving way of course, because you all know, she's my girl). Watching two of your friends look like a deer caught in headlights while latching onto each other for dear life and sinking lower and lower as though they couldn't be seen. Statements such as I haven't even had any tequila and I think this is a great idea. Wandering around hotel parking lots taking pictures of random persistent strangers who for some reason wouldn't let it go. Sitting in the car while learning that one of our cohorts was taking advantage out of a totally out of left field photo opportunity (how I wish I could have seen it for my own eyes). Being so terrified that I couldn't decide if I was going to cry or throw up, Teflon Steph rides again. Staring at an LLC look alike that sat next to us on the plane back to Chicago thinking how I wished she was the real deal and I'd tell her exactly what I thought of her and the best news was she had no where to get away.

I know a few things about this trip... A. Megan is more brilliant than ever. B. I am in love with LA and can't wait to live there. C. My best friends are the best medicine. and last and certainly not least.................. D. I am sure as shit glad my name is not Sarah Brown, or Lucinda, just sayin. :P

Oh and April 2010... Megan in Chicago (subliminal messages can be obvious too lol)


  1. *sigh* i know all too well about the bad end of the year and beginning. what a tough time, but looking back what a sweet time to grow from. when i look back now i can't even believe we are the same people anymore.

    how refreshing was this vacation? i think it's what we all needed in so many ways. i seriously haven't laughed like that in years. it's the best ab workout i've had in a long time :)

    thank you, steph for remembering these special moments... some emotional and many just so funny i can't see straight. here's to air drums for eternity and hoping i didn't break jen's hand ;)

    i love you all and i can't imagine my lives without you.

  2. Where to start? First of all I feel like I need a blog now. I'm still laughing about the Lucinda thing, that will always make me smile. I heard a dirty rap song today in the car on the way to babies r us and I turned to Keith and said "I like this song." Just for the record I'm over five months pregnant...that half a month makes a big Seriously though I don't think I have laughed so hard in a long time. Probably NY was the last time I laughed so much. You all get my sense of humor. Who else would have laughed about the whole leaving things behind in other's houses? I swear you guys would laugh at anything I said though. I could be like "I'm going to the store" and you all would laugh. Ali said it's just because it's all so random. I truly feel so comfortable around you all like we have been friends for years. I don't hold back anything with you all...good or bad you get to see it all.

    I know what you mean about wanting to help others. That's why I wanted to be a school counselor. I felt like I could help more children doing that then with just teaching. With the whole cop thing, if it's really what you want to do then it will happen! It just may not happen when you want it to. Please keep persuing it, if that's what you want to do! It took me forever to get my master's in school counseling so I feel your pain! Remember if you ever need anything I'm here for you!

    And yes Megan in Chicago in the spring!!!
    Wow, this was a very random comment post.


  3. I effing LOVE this blog. It's fantastic. It's awesome that when you read it there is no way that anyone else on the planet can understand just how hilarious each and every one of those moments were unless you were there, peeing your pants from the laughter. Such a fantastic tribute to one of the greatest trips ever.

    It's amazing to me that all of you haven't been in my life forever. I truly am blessed that you have all come into my life as I am not sure who I would be today without each one of you. Reading these moments makes me laugh harder each time. Can't wait for the next time that we are all together.

    As for the first part, you know that I am here for you and always will be. Unfortunately for you, you can't get rid of me now.

    Thanks for writing down this list of events for us, Steph. This way the trip will live on forever, even if nobody understands but us.

    Do you think that Megan is ready for Chicago in the spring? I'm not sure that she is, but if she's gonna try she better bring her A game as Ali will not be food poisoned and Emily and I will not be pregnant.....

    and THAT is how it is gonna go down!!!!! =)

    Love you!!!!

  4. Awwww I love this blog. I wanna go back too.
